What is Ice tea & know the Surprising Benefits of Ice Tea

Trishta Ice Tea is the perfect summer time drink it's cold and refreshing, and it plays well with added fruits and other flavorings. But if you drink iced tea every day, is it good for your health.

How to Make Iced Tea?
It is very easy to make this energetic beverage, although there are many varieties, depending on how strong you want the tea and the flavor you desire. Below are two common recipes, one for simple iced tea and the other for “Trishta Ice Tea”.

It is important to note that you should err on the side of the tea being “too strong”, as the ice will often dilute the tea with water, making it slightly weaker.

Nutrition Facts of Iced Tea
Standard iced black tea contains low levels of potassium, dietary fiber, manganese, sugar, caffeine, fluoride, flavonoids, and various other antioxidants. Other types of iced tea, such as green tea or herbal tea will have different nutritional profiles.

Benefits of Drinking Iced Tea
Iced tea provides all of the same benefits as regular black tea, due to its concentrations of caffeine, polyphenols, catechins, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Unsweetened teas, or those served with lemon or lime, tend to be the healthiest varieties.

* Chronic Disease
There are powerful compounds in black tea called flavonoids that have been directly linked to the prevention of cancer and other chronic diseases. This tea is very helpful to protect such type of diseases.

* Immune System
The antioxidants and nutrients found in tea are known to stimulate the function of the immune system, making it easier for the body to defend against pathogens and infections. It is very helpful to improve your immune system.

* Staying Hydrated
We all know doctor’s have advice to drink more water. Because it is very important for our body. But we also know doctor’s has advice to take less sugar in your diet. Sleep eight hours in night, Trishta ice tea is a great source of hydration because it is made from water.

Through this article, we learned why we should drink ice tea. It keeps our body hydrated so that energy remains in our body.